“Every day we are approached by many representatives of military units, NGOs and charitable foundations with a request to help with food, hygiene products, generators and more. This time, we are handing over more than 5,000 sanitizers and more than 5,000 packs of wet wipes to our partner charity volunteer organization,” says Iryna Danko, manager of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary Charity.
All these hygiene products will be distributed to residents of frontline settlements who are currently living in extremely difficult conditions - under constant threat of shelling, without electricity and water.
“We are grateful to the Intercession of the Holy Virgin Foundation for this wonderful opportunity to help our people in the frontline settlements! This is not the first time we have received such necessary products, and our wards will also be grateful for your help,” adds Tatyana Yatsenko, a volunteer of the ‘Unity of the World’ Charitable Foundation.
The mission of the International Charitable Foundation “International Charitable Foundation in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos” is to increase the territory of good. We are very pleased to work with partners, like-minded people and helpers who, together with us, help Ukraine and Ukrainians to survive in these extremely difficult times.