
Ongoing project

Rehabilitation of cerebral palsy

About the project

About the project

Assistance to children and adults diagnosed with cerebral palsy is one of the main activities of the Vadym Novynskyi Foundation. This is a permanent, ongoing project. Within its framework, the Foundation’s beneficiaries have the opportunity to undergo a rehabilitation course at the medical centre Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Clinic. 

The Foundation has been cooperating with Professor Kozyavkin’s clinic since 2017. With the support of the Foundation, about 200 patients of different ages underwent a rehabilitation course during the year and more than 500 patients during the entire period of cooperation. In addition, the Foundation is one of the few organizations that also covers the cost of rehabilitation for adult patients. 

Professor Kozyavkin’s method (or intensive neurophysiological rehabilitation system) is widely popular and recognized by the international healthcare community. This high-tech treatment system helps to minimize the manifestations of cerebral palsy in children, cope with osteochondrosis, the consequences of injuries and organic lesion to the nervous system. The rehabilitation is based on a multifaceted approach taking into account the individual peculiarities of a particular child. The centre’s manual therapists address the affected areas of the body, do gymnastics and therapeutic physical exercises with patients, and teach children the skills of controlling their own bodies.  

Provided aid 12 435 446 UAH



Provided aid

12 435 446 UAH

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